In this day and age having a functioning and secure Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process in place is becoming a key component of a successful organization. And one methodology that is becoming increasingly popular is DevOps. Mainly, because the methodology itself is designed to produce fast and robust software development. In this article, we will focus on how we can incorporate security into CI/CD and turning DevOps into DevSecOps easily and with automation in mind.
Our web application scanning software’s latest update enables you to integrate Jira with Probely. Atlassian’s Jira is one of the most widely adopted issue and project tracking software systems available and has been named the number one software development tool for agile teams.
In the past month, we’ve been working on some new things for you. We would like to highlight our Jenkins Plugin, Jira integration, and our new website.
Explore the web app security checklist from probely to ensure website security. The checklist enables developers to self-assess the code before any deployment
In this article, we propose how to create a modern and secure TLS setup, while maintaining adequate compatibility. Additionally, we provide ready-to-use Terraform examples for a Docker-based nginx reverse proxy setup, with TLS 1.3 support, and Let’s Encrypt automatic certificate renewal, for both Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform.
Cryptojacking is the digital version of it — it’s when the hacker steals your computer’s resources and uses them to harvest cryptocurrency. Mining is only a viable business if the cost of the computing power and electricity required to operate and cool down your systems is significantly lower than the monetary gain you get from mining.
Facebook announced it suffered an attack that affected almost 50 million users. The hack required the chaining of multiple vulnerabilities, being one of them in the “View As” feature, that help users control their privacy by previewing how other users see their profile.
An efficient DevSecOps pipeline relies on scaling web applications and API security. And, small development teams are required to take on increasing responsibility for security without large security teams. This blog post offers an efficient solution to the challenge of scaling in DevSecOps teams.
The status quo in the cyber-security industry is that most small businesses can’t afford a security solution, and any attempts to become more secure are either drowned in technical jargon or in distant price-ranges. In order to change the way businesses deal with security, this status quo has to be challenged.
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