250,000 scans was a big deal for me back then, and it's pretty wild to think that we've added another three zeros since, but I had no idea this was only the beginning! As the months and years ticked by, we continued to cross through some incredible milestones. As each one came and rolled by, I still couldn't believe just how popular the site was becoming, and the site seemed to be growing in popularity at a relentless pace.
Many companies have internal web applications, accessible only from their corporate network or through a VPN. These are often back-offices, management portals, HR applications, and everything that makes sense only for the company workforce, not for their clients. This also means that cloud services, like Probely, could not scan them for vulnerabilities.
Until now.
In this day and age having a functioning and secure Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process in place is becoming a key component of a successful organization. And one methodology that is becoming increasingly popular is DevOps. Mainly, because the methodology itself is designed to produce fast and robust software development. In this article, we will focus on how we can incorporate security into CI/CD and turning DevOps into DevSecOps easily and with automation in mind.
There are several examples of companies that went bankrupt after a successful attack, and not too long ago, we witnessed one of the largest and most devastating breaches in history. But if you are reading this, you want to take a first step towards improving your security, which is good.
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