John McCumber is a cybersecurity executive providing targeted guidance for industry and government initiatives. He also develops and delivers consultative support for CIOs/CISOs in the areas of cybersecurity, data management, privacy and analytics. He is a retired US Air Force officer and former Cryptologic Fellow of the National Security Agency. During his military career, John also served in the Defense Information Systems Agency and on the Joint Staff at the Pentagon as Information Warfare Officer during the Persian Gulf War.
In addition to his professional activities, John is a former Professorial Lecturer in Information Security at The George Washington University in Washington, DC and is currently a technical editor and columnist for Security Technology Executive magazine and a featured contributing writer at Ordinary Times. John is the author of the textbook Assessing and Managing Security Risk in IT Systems: a Structured Methodology from Auerbach Publications.
How can you significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your security program in a complex IT Environment without a major investment in new products or processes? You may want to consider shifting your security-focused activities to an earlier stage in the development and deployment cycle. Removing your historical security silos and refocusing them on a synergistic approach can provide a relatively quick and cost-effective way to make the kind of risk mitigation impact you, as a security professional, are seeking.
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