Vulnerabilities / Certificate with insufficient key size or usage, or insecure signature algorithm


CWE Name
Certificate with insufficient key size or usage, or insecure signature algorithm
CVSS Score
PCI-DSS -> 4.1, 6.5.4
ISO27001 -> A.5.14, A.8.9, A.8.24
Certificate with insufficient key size or usage, or insecure signature algorithm

We identified one or more issues with your X509 server certificate, which are detailed further below.

This finding usually means that the certificate was emitted with insecure attributes. Common examples include:

  • Using 1024-bit RSA keys;
  • Using the MD5 hashing algorithm for digital signatures;
  • Having an invalid keyUsage attribute. For example, using a certificate whose purpose does not allow it to be used for Digital Signature or Key Agreement.

How to fix

  • Please replace your X509 certificate as soon as possible. Use a certificate from a Certification Authority trusted by modern browsers, which should guarantee it fulfills all security requirements. If you are unsure about choosing a Certificate Authority, we recommend Let’s Encrypt. Let’s Encrypt provides modern X509 certificates at no cost.

    If you are using an internal Certificate Authority, or are using self-signed certificates, please ensure that the following requirements are met:

    • Use RSA certificates with, at least, 2048-bit key size, or EC certificates with, at least, 256-bit key size;
    • Ensure that a strong hash function is used in the certificate digital signature, such as SHA-256;
    • Ensure that the keyUsage attribute has the required flags: Digital Signature and Key Agreement.